Tikino / écrans : quelles différences ? - Tikino
Equipe Tikino

The results of the comparative analysis carried out in the laboratory* are clear and confirm the qualities of our children's projector. Tikino: exposes the eye to 24 times less blue...


Apprendre l'anglais dès 3 ans c'est possible, et utile ! - Tikino
Actu Anglais Contenus

Learning English from the age of 3 is possible and useful!

By Equipe Tikino

According to the latest EF study, the French are still lagging behind in English (26th out of 35 in Europe) 🤨 To improve the situation,...

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Tikino s'associe avec Bayard Jeunesse et Milan - Tikino
Contenus Presse Projecteur

Tikino partners with Bayard Jeunesse and Milan

By Equipe Tikino

Bayard Jeunesse and Milan's life-size creations on Tikino: the projector for children

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Maestro débarque chez Tikino - Tikino

Maestro arrives at Tikino

By Equipe Tikino

Procidis and Tikino are joining forces to enrich the Tikino catalogue with the famous series Once Upon a Time... Man and take children on a...

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Les bienfaits du yoga pour les enfants - Tikino
Contenus Parentalité Projecteur

The benefits of yoga for children

By Equipe Tikino

You have certainly already heard about the many benefits of practicing yoga for adults. But did you know that yoga can also be practiced from...

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Tikino coup de cœur de La Maison des Maternelles - Tikino

Tikino, a favorite of La Maison des Maternelles

By Equipe Tikino

Tikino, a favorite of La Maison des Maternelles. Presented by Marie Perarnau in her column on alternatives to screens, our projector was in the spotlight...

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Développer sa créativité et son vocabulaire avec les ombres chinoises - Tikino
Actu Contenus Projecteur

Develop your creativity and vocabulary with Chinese shadows

By Equipe Tikino

A thousand-year-old art combining puppets, tales and legends, declamation and music, shadow theater is a complex and fascinating live show. With Tikino's “shadow theater”, children...

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Tikino / écrans : quelles différences ? - Tikino
Actu Design Projecteur

Tikino / screens: what are the differences?

By Equipe Tikino

The results of the comparative analysis carried out in the laboratory* are clear and confirm the qualities of our children's projector. Tikino: exposes the eye...

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Avec Tikino, les héros de Quelle Histoire comme vous ne les avez jamais vus ! - Tikino
Actu Contenus Presse Projecteur

With Tikino, the heroes of Quelle Histoire as you've never seen them before!

By Equipe Tikino

By combining adaptation of the medium and quality of the content, Tikino and Quelle Histoire combine their strengths to make children love History and transform...

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Tikino dans la Maison des Maternelles - Tikino
Actu Parentalité Presse

Tikino in the Nursery School

By Equipe Tikino

Tikino in the spotlight in the Maison des Maternelles. Find our appearance on the flagship show on early childhood and parenting.

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